Looking for Qt Training, Consulting or Software Development?

We are the Qt experts for iOS, Android, Desktop, and Embedded platforms.
Let us help you bring your ideas to market!


Our Services

Felgo offers services & solutions based on your needs for Qt applications:

Qt Training & Workshops

Felgo offers tailored Qt trainings & Qt workshops based on your requirements and level of experience, so you get the most value and a customized experience instead of generic training courses. We offer one-to-one remote sessions via screen-sharing or entire team trainings on your own site. This allows you to attend Qt trainings online or in your company.


Examples of Qt trainings include:

  • Learn Qt for beginner, intermediate or advanced levels
  • Learn QML for beginner, intermediate or advanced levels
  • How to migrate from Qt C++ to QML
  • Mobile App Development with Qt
  • Integration of third-party services with Qt

Qt Software Development Services

Our team supports you in getting a head start with Qt development. We provide advice and implementation from a Proof of Concept (PoC) to entire project work and Qt outsourcing. This means we can implement an entire project for you or assist your team with modules and technology you’re not familiar with.


You can bring us on board in the conception phase, or during its implementation for short-noticed assistance. Felgo is your flexible Qt development partner.


Examples of Qt Software Development services:

  • PoC Implementation & Consulting
  • Project Work Implementation
  • Qt Outsourcing Services with high quality: Provide Qt developers on a daily rate
  • Qt Programmers & senior software architects for rent
  • Integration of hardware, sensors and third-party code
  • Code Reviews & Improvements

Qt Consulting Services

Felgo offers Qt consulting services for any size of a project. We are experts in Qt for mobile, desktop and embedded platforms and share this knowledge with you.

This helps you cut the risk of your choice of technology and accelerates your internal development process.


Examples of Qt Consulting services:

  • Technology evaluation for your project
  • Prototype and PoC development
  • Port existing Qt Widgets based apps to modern QML
  • Port existing project from one platform (e.g. Desktop) to others (e.g. mobile or embedded)
  • Port apps from Qt 4 to Qt 5
  • Build Qt and Felgo for custom platforms, compilers and architectures
  • Fix Qt framework bugs for you
  • Find and fix bugs or performance issues in your existing projects
  • Best-practice architecture design
  • Code improvements & code reviews of your existing Qt app


Our knowledge continues beyond Qt and covers a wide variety of tools, programming languages, software stacks and coding standards.

Are you interested in outsourcing parts of your development to experts in the field?

Qt for iOS & Android Services

As first on the market offering Qt development for iOS & Android, Felgo is the world-leading provider for Qt on mobile platforms.

Felgo is the only service provider that solves mobile-specific challenges like native look & feel or integration of platform-native code & third-party services.


Examples of Qt on Mobile services:

  • Improve the user experience of existing Qt-based apps on mobile platforms
  • Native look & feel on mobile platforms and best practices for mobile project architecture
  • Integration of your in-house C++ or native libraries to Qt projects
  • Develop platform-native code & integrate third-party services like push notifications, in-app purchases, social logins, cloud platforms


Examples of Qt on Mobile services:

  • Help you migrate your existing native app to a true cross-platform Qt & Felgo app
  • Guidance how to integrate Qt into existing native apps
  • How to enhance native apps with Qt features
  • How to use Xcode and Android Studio with Qt

"I couldn’t find better support for Qt on iOS & Android, great job by the Felgo Team!"

Fernando Perotto, VP of Software & Services

Why Felgo?

Looking back to more than 15 years of active Qt usage from our team members, Felgo brings years of experience in Qt application development.

Back in 2012 and long before the Qt 5 release, Felgo (former V-Play) was the first company that brought productive Qt app development to iOS and Android. For that, we combined an own OpenGL renderer with Qt 4.8 and launched the well-known Felgo SDK (former V-Play Engine) for mobile apps and games.

Today, Felgo gained profound knowledge in many fields of application and is thriving to solve new challenges with its partners and customers.


Felgo is an official Technology Partner of the Qt Company.

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Do you need more information or have an upcoming project? Use the contact form for a free request:

Still curious about our internal work?

Augmented Reality

We look into advanced augmented reality (AR) apps with Qt and 3D content with our partner Wikitude, the world’s leading mobile AR technology provider.


We follow the leading edge of WebAssembly (Wasm) and web frameworks to bring Qt apps to the web.


CI Services

In close cooperation with our enterprise customers, we design a solution to bring Qt to continuous integration services.

Collaborative Working

We do research into collaborative online project development with our academic partners Vienna University of Technology and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

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